Be sure #tunein to @thedestinyoftimes #Podcast for the #Special #Guest #Summer #Series. Join #author and #host @janjordynn, who kicks off the #June lineup with #sci-fi #author, former #AirForce #FighterPilot and #NASA #Engineer Pat Daily @patdailyauthor, who will share his story during Episode 15 on Friday, June 16th at 4pm. The second featured guest is #bestsellingauthor, #educationalspeaker and #Certified Life, Love Trauma Recovery and Mind-Set #Coach, Riana Milne, @coachrianamilne who will share her #expertise during Episode 16 on Friday, June 30 at 4pm. Stay tuned for #additional #information about Pat Daily and Riana Milne, along with our next #announcement about the #guests slated to appear in July, August and September during our #Special #Guest #Summer #Series. #seeyouaroundthegalaxy