DOT Team
The Destiny of Times story series is about the Mythariun people, keepers of The Universe, and take action to prevent outsiders from interfering in the natural evolution of each universe and planetary system from creation to destruction.

Jan Jordynn
When Jan Jordynn went to bed on December 29, 1990, she did not know who the Mythariun people were, or the crew of the U.S.S. Destiny. By the time she awoke the next morning on December 30, Jan had extensive knowledge of these amazing people, their missions, and the countless of lives they saved by restoring their universe to its natural state of evolution. Jan is a native of California, lived in Las Vegas for nearly 40 years and currently resides in Dayton, Ohio, with her husband, Brian Howard. in addition to her part time position as a chef, also writes custom business plans, and enjoys dog sitting for Rover. Jan’s only son lives in Oregon and is an entrepreneur and businessman in the Hemp and Firewood industries, serving Southern Oregon for nearly a decade. Email:

LN Michaels
LN is a first generation American who gravitated to her European roots at an early age. Gifted with a natural ability to understand languages, LN was soon proficient in five Earth languages and 14 Other Species languages. Jan Jordynn contacted LN after her experience in 1990, and was one of the first to read the story when it was finished in June of 1990. Ms. Michaels assisted with storyline development and copy editing and has been there through all three storylines Ms. Michaels resides in Europe, where she provides International Business Strategies and Solutions to companies across the globe. Her two sons live in the US and work in the finance and luxury race car export industries. Email:

Keith Benson
Keith has been a visionary and ahead of this time all his life. While others were focused about getting a job, Keith was a gifted athlete, and earned a walk-on position as a Defensive End at Eastern Michigan. After an injury ended his football career, Keith found work in the Food & Beverage industry. but knew he wanted more. Soon he began to gravitate towards the network marketing lane and vowed he would make his mark on the industry. This passion let Mr. Benson to travel west to follow his dreams. While out there. Keith and Jan met, although they did not get together until a year later. KB has shared many adventures with Jan, and currently lives with her in Dayton Ohio. Keith heard about Jan’s experience and story when they met and is her sounding board of reason. Mr. Benson is an innovator, entrepreneur and a business owner with Uforia Science, a DNA nutrition and lifestyle company

Barbara Dennis
Barbara Dennis is a powerhouse media marketing professional, with over 30 years in the industry and producing stellar goal and plus over normal sales figures for retail department store giants. Ms. Dennis has special gifts and is well known in the special interest and truth-seeking cultures, for her Remote Viewing and other sensory-perception abilities. Ms. Dennis has been involved in The Destiny of Times story with Ms. Jordynn for over 20 years and currently resides in the US.

Vashti M
Vashti and Jan became friends the moment they met and have been in each other’s lives ever since. Ms. Maharaj has a second sight and has been instrumental in bringing many spiritual and numerological insights to light that complement the storyline. Vashti hails from the islands of Trinidad & Tobago, and currently resides in Las Vegas. She has two amazing sons, one with us, and one that recently journeyed back to source. Ms. Maharaj is a life consultant to many, and has plans to open a health and wellness center near the water in the future. Email:

G Money
When G Money and Jan met, he was best friends with her son, and became like a second son. Moving forward, Greg is a practicing Exercise Physiologist and specializes in Cardiac Rehabilitation. He will collaborate with Jan and LN to create original songs for each book and write the musical scores for the Audiobook and Podcast series. Email: