From the time he could count how many steps it was to the Jewish deli in Brooklyn Heights, Steve had a gift for numbers. He was recruited by MIT and Harvard to model mathematical formula parameters and program models in 7th grade, graduating high school at age 14. He finished college at age 18, graduating with a quadruple master's in mathematics, physics, astrobiology and quantum theory. By age 21, Steve was married to the top Medical Diagnostic Expert in the world and owned the largest statistical probability and quantum theory modeling firm on the planet. When his wife accepted a position as Chief Medical officer on the state-of-the-art space exploration vessel, the ESS Destiny, he tossed his hat in the ring for the dual position of First & Science Officer and was immediately offered the position.
Commander Steve Lebit
From the time he could count how many steps it was to the Jewish deli in Brooklyn Heights, Steve had a gift for numbers. He was recruited by MIT and Harvard to model mathematical formula parameters and program models in 7th grade, graduating high school at age 14. He finished college at age 18, graduating with a quadruple master's in mathematics, physics, astrobiology and quantum theory. By age 21, Steve was married to the top Medical Diagnostic Expert in the world and owned the largest statistical probability and quantum theory modeling firm on the planet. When his wife accepted a position as Chief Medical officer on the state-of-the-art space exploration vessel, the ESS Destiny, he tossed his hat in the ring for the dual position of First & Science Officer and was immediately offered the position.