it is with a heavy heart we bid adieu to Janice ”Yo Bitch” Nancy Boyd. She was an amazing human, one of my best friends in this life and a woman of amazing talents. Much love and hugs going out to her husband, Steve Lebit and rest of their families. I was so blessed to witness her character portrayal of Commander Janice Boyd, Doctor and Chief Medical Officer on the U.S.S. Destiny in @thedestinyoftimes A Trilogy, Book 1 and @thedestinyoftimes #podcast #episodes we were lucky enough to have her on. I infused some of her best personality traits into the character and am so glad she lived long enough to be a part of this journey and in my first novel. #seeyouaroundthegalaxy #gonebutnotforgotten #bonvoyage

Commander Janice Boyd, Doctor & Chief Medical Officer, of the U.S.S. Destiny, in The Destiny of Times, A Trilogy, Book 1.