As a person who experienced a series of #life-changing, #reoccurring dreams, I’ve always wanted to know what they mean. So, the last 32 years have been spent #searching for #answers, #meaning and all the whys: Why me? Why these stories? …

Is The Destiny of Times, A Trilogy, Book 1 on your gift list?
#HappyHolidays – be sure to get your #copy of @thedestinyoftimes A Trilogy, Book 1 by @thedestinyoftimes #Podcast author & host @janjordynn, just in time for the #holidays on @amazonbooks or at @barnesandnoble #seeyouaroundthegalaxy–A-Trilogy-Book-1-for-the-holidays-e1sahh0
Countdown to The Destiny of Times
The Destiny of Times is just weeks from it’s world wide release on July 30, 2021. View the updated Book Trailer and get ready to take the journey of a lifetime. #seeyouaroundthegalaxy. Board the U.S.S. Destiny and start your Destiny …

DOT Project Updates
Hello it’s @janjordynn #author of @thedestinyoftimes new #scifi #book #series. We are in the final week of editing. @thedestinyoftimes A Trilogy Book 1 which will be ready for publishing and distribution in the next 10 days. So stay #tuned for …