Showing: 11 - 15 of 16 RESULTS
Blog Holiday Greetings Podcast Preview

Is The Destiny of Times, A Trilogy, Book 1 on your gift list?

#HappyHolidays – be sure to get your #copy of @thedestinyoftimes A Trilogy, Book 1 by @thedestinyoftimes #Podcast author & host @janjordynn, just in time for the #holidays on @amazonbooks or at @barnesandnoble #seeyouaroundthegalaxy–A-Trilogy-Book-1-for-the-holidays-e1sahh0

Jordynnaia, Mythariun Minister of Restoration Operations

DOT Project Updates

Hello it’s @janjordynn #author of @thedestinyoftimes new #scifi #book #series. We are in the final week of editing. @thedestinyoftimes A Trilogy Book 1 which will be ready for publishing and distribution in the next 10 days. So stay #tuned for …