Be sure to #join Barbara Dennis, #cohost of @thedestinyoftimes #Podcast for #Season 3, #Episode 4, which airs Friday, May 31st at 4pm. #Host @janjordynn and the #DOT #Creative #Team continue to #introduce #main #characters and #share #details from Jan’s second …
Meet SFC Chief Archaeologist Doctor Elizabeth Swanson
Here’s a first look at the #character Doctor Elizabeth Swanson, Chief #Archaeologist on Taris Ebestra IVin The Destiny of Times Squared, A Trilogy, Book 2. For more information on Doctor Swanson, be sure to check out @thedestinyoftimes #Podcast, #Season 3, …
Meet SFC Chief Space Archaeologist Doctor Marjorie Jones
Be sure to #tunein to @thedestinyoftimes #Podcast and #meet #Doctor Marjorie Jones, SFC Chief Space Archaeologist, along with other new characters #author @janjordynn has begun to #introduce from her second #novel, The Destiny of Times Squared, A Trilogy, Book 2. …
Meet Taris IV Archaeology Professor Howard Swanson
Greetings from Taris Ebestra IV #Archaeology #Professor Howard Swanson. Be sure to tune in to @thedestinyoftimes # Podcast for their monthly show #airing on Friday at 4pm to find out more about his #character and #storyline in @janjordynn second novel, …
DOT – Meet Captain Jacquelyn Porter
Be sure to #checkout @thedestinyoftimes #Podcast to get a #firstlook at the four #new #characters we #introduced during #Season 3, #Episodes 2 & 3. This post features a message from Captain Jacquelyn Porter, #commanding #officer of the ESS Destiny II in …