@thedestinyoftimes #Podcast is pleased to #present the final #installment of our #Special #Guest #Summer #Series today at 4pm. #lauthor & #Host @janjordynn along with the DOT #Team #cohosts Vashti M, G Money and Barbara Dennis welcome Tom Paladino, researcher and founder of Scalar Light, who will talk about #Scalar #Energy, where it #originates, how it works #remotely and the methods he uses to share this #amazing #healing and #energy #source with the #world. Tom has #graciously #offered each #DOT #Podcast #listener a free, 15-day Scalar Light session. To claim your #gift of #healing, visit: https://www.scalarlight.com #seeyouaroundthegalaxy #letgoandletuniverse https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thedestinyoftimes/episodes/DOT-PC-S2-E22-SGSS-featuring-Tom-Paladino-e29lpd1 Find Tom on Social Media: Insta: @scalarlight Facebook: @experiencescalar/ Twitter: @light_scalar YouTube: TomPaladinoScalar