DOT Book 1
Extended Synopsis
First Contact Mission – 2196: A mere 200 years after Earth scientist Dr. Jordynn Daniels developed the Matter Energy Converter (MEC) and Global Earth Orbiter (GEO), the face of transportation on/off the planet and to/from space was forever changed. Space Fleet Command (SFC) had their first deep space exploration vessel, capable of the speed needed to leave the solar system and explore their galaxy and beyond.
Excitement buzzed throughout SFC as the crew of the ESS (Earth Space Ship). Destiny prepared for a first contact mission to Mytharius, an elusive planetary system in the mysterious Zeta sector. Star charts confirmed it would take them 900,000 years, which was well beyond their reach. But with the WAGS (Wormhole Aperture Guidance System), they were able to make the journey in 90 days.
SFC chose their finest officers for the mission, including Captain Sven Howard in command, and an experienced crew at the controls. The Destiny arrived on Mytharius Prime in the Zeta Sector, and the Shuttle Golden Gate transported Captain Howard, Ambassador Helene and the senior staff to the surface for the three-month First contact and cultural exchange.
The Captain, Ambassador, Dr. Janice Boyd, Chief Medical Officer and Commander Steve Lebit, Science/First officer are all impressed by the capabilities of the WAGS and MCD (Mind Communication Device) and worked with the Mythariun scientists to develop modifications that can adapt the device for use on Earth and during Deep Space missions.
During a field test of the MCD system during the team’s second month on Mytharius Prime, they are attacked by Zonan, an interuniversal terrorist, who attempts to steal the Mythariun’s technologies.
Todek is able to send the Destiny in orbit and the delegation on the planet in their shuttlecraft to safety using the WAGS. Once Zonan is neutralized and expelled from their universe, the Mythariuns reactivate the WAGS. Although The Destiny emerges right away, no sign of the Golden Gate or the crew can be found.
The Mythariuns and the Destiny’s Engineering teams work around the clock to locate the shuttlecraft and landing party, but cannot find any trace of them, nor do they find any debris. Colonel Phil Nichols assumes command and along with Acting Captain Giselle Vassallo and Chief Propulsion Officer Lt. Commander Gittel DiSerano, find and use Doctor Boyd’s research found in the Medical Lab to devise a DNA bone marrow scanner to use it with the WAGS to triangulate the event horizon and scan for Human DNA.
After three long days, a signal from the shuttlecraft is finally picked up and the Destiny makes contact, When the Golden Gate comes through the WAGS, the Mythariuns and Destiny crew are astonished to find out three years have passed for the Golden Gate contingent.
To find out what happens next and continue the story, navigate to our shop page and purchase a copy for yourself or someone you love from Amazon Books or Barnes & Noble.
The Destiny of Times is a brand new seven-part Sci-Fi Story series about the ESS Destiny and their First Contact Mission to Mytharius Prime, a planet in the Zeta Sector on the far side of the Universe. The experience will be conceptualized and adapted for enjoyment across multiple media platforms. Below is an example of the current platforms and those in development, but not limited to the following:
1. Full Length Novel: The Destiny of Times book series launched on 12.30.20 to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the dream author Jan Jordynn experienced and the series beginning. The Destiny of Times, A Trilogy, Book 1 is available on Amazon Books as a Kindle, paperback and hardback, with Barnes & Noble offering the paperback and hardback versions.
2. Audio Podcast Series: Author Jan Jordynn launched The Destiny of Times Podcast on December 23, 2020, from the DOT studio in Dayton, Ohio, with 27 episodes aired in Season 1. The podcast is currently airing bi-weekly episodes during Season 2. You can listen to The Destiny of Times Podcast on Anchor, Audible, Amazon Music, Apple, Castbox, Google, IHeartRadio, Overcast, Pandora, Pocket Casts, Radio Public, Spotify, Vurbl, your favorite podcast platform, or right on the DOT Podcast page.
3. Novel – Audiobook: The Destiny of Times, A Trilogy, Book 1 will also be released as an Audiobook. Studio recording began in November of 2022 and is projected for release on January 30, 2023.
4. Original Song: The Destiny of Times is an original song written and composed by Jan Jordynn. She has recorded it in the studio and is slated for release by the end of 2022.
The Destiny of Times – A Trilogy Book 1
Get ready to start your adventure.
What a great read! I was captivated from the very beginning! Dr. Jordyann is my hero!