Join DOT #Team #Member and #cohost LN Michaels for an #invite to #tune in to @thedestinyoftimes #Podcast Friday October 22 at 4pm EDT as #host @janjordynn leads the 76th #Anniversary #Celebration of @unitednations #Day and LN #shares her #perspective on …
DOT PC EP#21 Preview UN 76th Anniversary Celebration Jan Jordynn
@thedestinyoftimes #Podcast #author and #host @janjordynn and the DOT Team #celebrate the 76th #Anniversary of @UnitedNationsDay on Friday, October 22 at 4pm EDT. Will #discuss how the @UN began, the #founding #principals and hear @janjordynn take on Sustainable Development Goal …
DOT PC Preview Episode #15 Jan Jordynn
Hear a personal invitation from @janjordynn @thedestinyoftimes #podcast #host for a #sneakpreview of the #new #episode airing Wednesday September 8 at 4pm EDT #seeyouaroundthegalaxy